Archive: Articles

In the Spotlight: IH Multidisciplinary Care Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the IH Multidisciplinary Care Committee is to provide evidence-based support for the role of team...

In the Spotlight:

Committee Mission The mission of the Integrated Health Multidisciplinary Care Committee is to provide evidence-based support for the role of...

In the Spotlight: ASMBS Insurance Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the Insurance Committee is to bridge gaps in insurance coverage and coding for bariatric procedures...

In the Spotlight: General and Foregut Surgery Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the General and Foregut Surgery Committee is to develop guidelines for managing general surgical and...

In the Spotlight: Flexible Endoscopy Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the Flexible Endoscopy Committee is to examine training methods and promote safe use of endoscopic...

In the Spotlight: IH Communications Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the IH Communications Committee is to facilitate communication within ASMBS integrated health membership and with...

In The Spotlight: Communications Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the Communications Committee is to facilitate communication between ASMBS and its members, enhancing outreach and...

In the Spotlight: IH Clinical Issues Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the IH Clinical Issues and Guidelines Committee is to create evidence-based position statements focusing on...

In The Spotlight: CBN (Certified Bariatric Nurse) Certification Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the CBN (Certified Bariatric Nurse) Certification Committee is to enhance and promote the specialty of...

In the Spotlight: Community and Independent Practice Committee

Committee Mission The mission of the Community and Independent Practice Committee is to represent interests of independent practitioners and provide...