General and Foregut Surgery Committee

Committee Mission
The mission of the General and Foregut Surgery Committee is to develop guidelines for managing general surgical and foregut disease in metabolic and bariatric surgery patients.
An Interview With The Chair
What about this committee’s mission is the most important to you?
“This committee provides educational opportunities to surgeons regarding foregut and general surgery issues for the bariatric surgery population. We are the intersection of the interest of most bariatric surgeons with an additional focus in foregut surgery and we have been successful in establishing a good relationship with the broader Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, including General Surgery and Foregut Surgery communities.”
How has being part of this committee benefitted you professionally or even personally?
“As the chair of the committee, it has been a great opportunity to interact with a wide variety of members and collaborate with other committee and organizational leadership. It has provided an opportunity for networking and learning about different perspectives. It also provided opportunities to grow as a leader in a major organization and gain an understanding of challenges and opportunities to respond to the needs of the community and our organization. I truly enjoy the ability to lead a group of talented people and most importantly, to provide support, cherish, and mentor rising stars in our organization.“
What of this committee’s accomplishments are you most proud of?
“I am most proud of our ability to provide educational opportunities to the membership regarding everyday problems that represent significant challenges and controversies. Things like biliary disease, GERD, gastroparesis, etc. Seeing the MBS community’s engagement in those educational sessions has been satisfying. It sometimes looks like the topic is simple, but it touches all of us. The BE WISE campaign allowed us to collaborate with another committee to reach the general public and induce a call to action. Together with my Co-Chairs, we have created a very good environment for everyone to actively participate and spearhead projects.”
Final Thoughts on the General and Foregut Surgery Committee?
“The controversies/challenges in the General Surgery and Foregut area are going to continue to rise, and having a committee like ours will guarantee a platform for people to discuss issues, generate questions and review the literature to determine the best care we can provide to our patients. With the rise of the GLP1-RAs, more gastrointestinal symptoms will rise and will require a thoughtful, evidence-based approach for the future. For current trainees, their interest will continue to expand beyond solely bariatric surgery to include more foregut, hernia and general surgery topics. This committee will provide the forum for trainees to look to ASMBS for education in metabolic surgery and beyond.”