ASMBS Fellowship Certificate

ASMBS Certificate of Acknowledgement of Satisfactory Training: Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery for Fellows

The ASMBS Fellowship Certificate program serves to recognize surgeons who have completed their training and who have met the educational requirements needed to practice safe and effective bariatric surgery (according to fellowship training curriculum established by ASMBS). The objective is for these certificates to add merit to surgeons beginning their careers in the field by emphasizing their ability to adequately perform metabolic and bariatric surgery. This program has been endorsed by the ASMBS Board of Directors.

*If you are looking to become a Fellow of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (FASMBS), please click here.

Application Timeline

Application Window: August 1 – October 1
Application Review Window: October 1 – January 15
Notification Window: January 15 – February 15

Application Requirements

Applications must include all items/documents below to be accepted and reviewed:

  • Completed Digital Fellowship Application
    • Review the Core Curriculum for ASMBS Fellowship Training Requirements thoroughly prior to beginning application (see below for details)
    • Review the Questions on the Digital ASMBS Fellowship Certificate Application prior to beginning the application.
    • Have all documents ready to submit with that application when you begin
    • Application must be completed in one sitting (application cannot be saved and resumed later)
    • All supporting documentation must be uploaded as PDF files
  • Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae
  • Complete Fellowship Council Case Log and Summary of Fellowship Council case log
    • Case logs are downloadable from your Fellowship Council account
  • Patient Evaluation Case Logs pdf | docx
    • Non-operative patient encounters include pre-op evaluations, in-patient encounters, and out-patient evaluations
    • Supporting documentation is required. See Core Curriculum for requirements (details below). All documentation must be submitted using the designated log template
  • Program Director Attestation pdf
  • Outline of applicant’s educational curriculum of the fellowship program

Important eligibility requirements:

  • You must be in a Fellowship Council accredited program and have a Fellowship Council Seal to be eligible for this certificate
  • Application must be submitted within two cycles of the completion of your fellowship
    • Example: If fellowship is complete in July 2023, you must submit during the Fall 2023 or Fall 2024 application cycles.

If you have any questions regarding your application, please email

The ASMBS Fellowship Training Requirements and Core Curriculum are undergoing updates to ensure alignment with current best practices in metabolic and bariatric surgery education. These revisions aim to maintain the highest standards of training, enhance the cognitive, clinical, and technical experiences for fellows, and reflect advancements in the field. This commitment ensures fellows are well-prepared to provide optimal care for bariatric patients and stay at the forefront of innovative practices in surgery and perioperative management.

  • 2024-2025 and prior: ASMBS Fellowship Training Requirements Core Curriculum

  • 2025-2026: ASMBS Fellowship Training Requirements Core Curriculum updates include:
    • Cognitive Experience Requirements (page 1-2)
    • Patient Evaluation Log Template requirement (page 3)

  • 2026-2027: ASMBS Fellowship Training Requirements updates include:
    • The Core Curriculum, specifically Surgical Procedure Requirements (page 3), and
    • Fellows must be in a Fellowship Council accredited bariatric program

If you have any questions regarding your application, please email

The FELLOW Project

Fellowship Educational Lectures & Learning Objectives Webinars
First Friday of Every Month at 7:00 AM ET
The ASMBS-endorsed program organized to fulfill the didactic requirements for ASMBS Fellowship Certificate and standardize the required Fellowship Council Curriculum. Join us for this monthly interactive web-based and high quality series featuring renowned content experts in bariatric surgery. Learn more and register now.

The Bariatric Happy Hour!

Bariatric Surgery Training Committee Journal Club & Video Sessions
Fourth Thursday of Every Month at 8:00 PM ET
This monthly event will alternate between either a review of a landmark article or a discussion of the technical aspects of a video and will feature prominent authors and technical experts. Each session will be co-moderated by a current bariatric surgery fellow. Learn more and register now.

Volunteer to moderate one of the  The Bariatric Happy Hour sessions. This is an opportunity to become involved in ASMBS programs while also interacting with leaders in your field. Complete The Bariatric Happy Hour! Presenting Fellow & Resident Application.

Recipients of the ASMBS Certificate of Acknowledgement of Satisfactory Training in Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery for Fellows


Olivia (Morin) Haney
Jameil Abou-Hanna
Jalal Abu Halimah
Abdullah AL Jabri
Jose Alfaro Quezada
Ahmed Ali
Sherif Aly
Jacqueline Anderson
Yazen Assaf
Rebecca Barr
Givi Basishvili
Kevin Brown
Elizabeth Bruenderman
Douglas Cassidy
Vincent Cheng
Young Mee Choi
Jenalee Corsello
Benjamin Crisp
Jerry Dang
Panagiotis Drakos
Kyle Duckett
Maria Durdach
Kevin Durkee
Christopher Dyke
Justin Eagleston
Mohammed Elshamy
David Faugno-Fusci
Jesus Garcia
Emily Goddard
Jeffrey Griffin
Karan Grover
Francisco Guerra
Caroline Hall
Lauren Hampton
Andrew Harner
Amy Holmstrom
William Hope
Maria Iliakova
Abi James
Jason Jensen
Yunni Jeong
Cyril Kamya
Daiji Kano
Sonam Kapadia
Bavana Ketha
Stacey Kubovec
Joshua Landreneau
Diana Lane
Simon Laplante
Christopher Le
Edmund Lee
Amelia Lucisano
Vadim Lyuksemburg
Matthew Madion
Mark E. Mahan
Joseph Marcotte
Charles McCann
Kristofer Nava
Bethany Nyland
Samik Patel
Yevhen Pavelko
John Perrone
Sarah Pivo
Hemn Qader
Rebecca Rice
Allison Rice
Brian Ruhle
Ramses Saavedra
Jason Samuels
Elizabeth Santone
Matthew Sarna
Kathryn Schlosser
Ishna Sharma
Sara Shields Tarwater
Rachel Simpson
Brandon Smith
Clint Stillwell
Stefanie Sueda
Mohammad Sultany
Patrick Sweigert
Lancy Tan
Ying Tan
Jacob Tatum
Zachary Taylor
Claire Terez
Arturo Torices Dardon
Kanika Trehan
Spencer Trooboff
Katrina Tulla
Luke Umana
Hugo Villanueva
Thomas Xu
Tarik Yuce
Ya Zhou
Christopher Zimmermann


Linda Adepoju
Aman Ali
Yewande Alimi
Jillian Angelo
Paul Appleby
Dustin Baldwin
Karla Bernardi
Katherine Blevins
Philippe Bouchard
James Brown
Zachary Callahan
Michael Caposole
James Cassiano
Paul Chandler
Fareed Cheema
Edmund Chen
Alexandra Chow
Peter Cmorej
Meaghan Collins
Kenneth Copperwheat
Courtney Culbreath
Karleigh Curfman
Haley Daigle
Michael Damit
Bryan David
Vikrom Dhar
Chris Esposito
Ryneal Eugenio
Lindsey Ferro
Ben Flink
Roy Gan
Nadine Gates Rampp
Victoria Gershuni
Kathriena Greenwell
Cristina Guerra
Matthew Gust
Francisco Andres Guzman Pruneda
Melissa Hanson
Kevin Harris
Lauren Hawley
Theresa Jackson
Ahmed Jad
Varun Jain
YenYi Juo
Anna Kamocka
Evan Kelly
Christina Kim
Victoria Konovalova
Justin Lee
Caleb Leung
Jordan Levy
Kiarash Mashayekhi
Elizabeth McCarthy
Delandy McConnell
Michael McCormick
Jaine McKenzie
Guillermo Medrano del Rosal
Kabir Mehta
Alexa Merz Roth
Becca Milburn
Jared Miller
Benefsha Mohammad
Sara Monfared
Brian Mooers
Hassan Nasser
Marissa Novack
Timothy Nowack
Kaela Parnell Blake
Melissa Pastoressa
Ana Pena
Xavier Pereira
Justin Philip
Bhavani Pokala
Douglas Reed
Charis Ripley-Hager
Yarret Robles
Ari Sapin
Ahmed Shamia
Kelly Shortridge
Daniel Slack
Mark Smith
Anastasia Stevens-Chase
Andrew Strong
Noah Swann
Wen Hui Tan
Milot Thaqi
Sany Thomas
Stevenson Tsiao
Alice Wang
Josh Weis
Erin Worden
Jonathan Zadeh


Alexander Abdurakhmanov
Stuart Abel
Shadi Aboudi
Gary S. Aghazarian
Mohsen Alhashemi
Abbas Abdalla Al-Kurd
Safiya Mohammed Hamed Al-Masrouri
Nouf Alotaiby
Netanel Alper
Marco Antonio Rajo Andrade
Abdulaziz A.Arishi
Kevin Bain
Chetna Bakshi
Christopher Bashian
Pascal Bortz
Matthew Burstein
Jarrod Buzalewski
Rosalie Ann Carr
Anthony Castelli
Maija Cheung
Maryan Chumkova-Orin
Randall Cornateanu
Jessica Cutler
Shanley Deal
Brandon C. Dessecker
Brian Dessify
Robert C. Dillard III
Ryan Fairley
Xiaoxi Feng
Richie Gopal Goriparthi
Edward Gray
Douglas Greer
David Grubb
Jordan Elyse Grubbs
David A. Harris
Ivy N. Haskins
Huy Hoang
Joyce Jhang
Michael Joannides
Robert Johnson
Umashankkay Kannan
Boris Kiriazov
Vishal Kudav
Daniel Laan
Raul Sebastian Laines
Megan Lodeiro
Megan Lundgren
Gabriel Marcil
Gadi Marom
Kristin McCoy
Alex Michaels
John Mitko
Anthony Murante
Gabriel Mekel Nakhal
Victoria Needham
Sean O’Connor
Omobolanle Oyefule
Anam Pal
Karim Ramji
Jonathan Ramkumar
Nandita Rao
Swathi Reddy
Joseph Sadek
Salaam Sadi
Jean Salem
Jonathan Seto
Anish Shah
Emanuel Afram Shapera
William Charles Sherrill, III
Paul Stechschulte
Joseph Sujka
Catriona M. Swift
Brian Walkowski
Emily Watters
Jonah White
Rickesha Wilson


Shushmita Ahmed
Hussam Alamri
Vance Albaugh
Alicia Alterio
Jessica Ardila-Gatas
Aaron Bornstein
Andrew Brown
Eric Chung
Shauna Costinett
Collin Creange
Michael Cudworth
Vishwanath Danthuluri
Moiz Dawood
Adam Di Palma
Derek Dirks
Robert Doiron
Colston Edgerton
Joseph Eid
BenFauzi El-Attrache
Alexandra Falvo
Andras Fecso
Fermin Miguel Fontan
Ashley Gerrish
Alon Geva
Gregory Grimberg
Noemi-Rose Harvey
Julie Holihan
Benedict Hui
David Kang
Theodoros Katsichtis
David Kelly
Keith King
Andrew Lambour
MacKenzie Landin
Alvaro Galvez Lima
Maria Linnaus
Cristen Litz
Lavina Malhotra
Justin McKibbin
Logan Mellert
Katelyn Mellion
Christopher Menzel
Blake Movitz
Sarvenaz Nouri
John Paek
Jacqueline Paolino
Lauren Poliakin
Morgan Pomeranz
Lauren Rabach
Christopher Reed
Amy Rosenbluth
Michelle Scerbo
Luis Serrano
Faiz Shariff
Brian Shea
Craig Smith
Naresh Sundaresan
Anthony Tabatabai
Farees Tavangari
Kyle Thompson
Voranaddha Vacharathit
Eric Veilleux
Leonard Welsh
Andrew White
Alyssa Wier
Joshua Winder
Linda Youngwirth
Randal Zhou


Marcia Z. Alayon-Rosario
Maria Spassova Altieri
Mohammed Assali
Selwan Barbat
Jacquline Melissa Mary Beitner
David Berler
Shintaro Chiba
Jana Chtchetinin
John Cowling
Rob Cunningham
Francesca Dimou
Nicholas Dugan
Ekatarina Elliott
Alph Emmanuel
Jeffrey Emrich
Marcoandrea Giorgi
Anirudh Goparaju
Taher Gulamhusein
Jennifer Haas
Jordan Hebert
Anthony J. Hesketh
Jordan Heuser
Andrew Hollenbeck
Salim Hosein
Kyle Hunt
Pouya Iranmanesh
John Jeffries
Rhys Kavanagh
Daanish Kazi
Charles J. Keith Jr.
Majid Kianmajd
Neil King
Amarita Klar
Grigoriy Vitalyevich Klimovich
Natalia Kubicki
Jason Kuhn
Erika La Vella
Maykong Leepalao
S. Julie-Ann Lloyd
Andrew R Luhrs
Victoria Lyo
Ryan Macht
Erik Madden
Kristine Makiewicz
Anthony Mark
Adam Meyers
Tripurari Mishra
Aryan Modasi
Semeret Tadios Munie
James Nguyen
Punam Patel
David Pechman
Gregory Peirce
Daniel Prior
Dimitar Ranev
Amanda Roberts
Aaron Sabbota
Aaron Sachs
Sarah Samreen
Matthew Sharbaugh
Timothy S. Snow
Kathryn Sobba
Shannon Stogryn
William Streiff
Christopher Taglia
Sami Tannouri
Talar Tatarian
Roshin Thomas
Tina Thomas
Thomas Tsai
Lindsay Tse
Matthew Tufts
Yalini Vigneswaran
Lars Webb
Cynthia Weber
Jingliang Yan
Amy Kim Yetasook


Ikemefuna Akusoba
John Allen
Marita D. Bauman
Emily Benham
Partha Bhurtel
Aaron Bolduc
Gwen Lindsey Bonner
Julietta Chang
Sugong Chen
Munyaradzi Chimukangara
Candice Chipman
Daniel Christian
Napoleon E. Cieza
Tyler Cohn
Ransford Commey
Ariel Shuchleib Cung
Matthew Davis
Nirav Desai
Mohammed Ezzi
John Fam
Christopher Finley
Danielle Friedman
Adam Golas
Jessica Gorham
Joseph Greene
John Hall
Monique Hassan
Kellen Hayes
Elizabeth Hechenbleikner
Dietric Hennings
Jessica Gonzalez Hernandez
Melanie Howell
Theadore A. Hufford
Jay Jorge
Kandace Kichler
Vincent Kirkpatrick
Liam Knott
Matthew Kuettel
Sandhya Bondada Kumar
Matthew Lange
Rebecca Lopez
Peter Lundberg
Mohan Mallipeddi
Francois-Charles Malo
Jessica Marshall
Rachel Mathis
Lauren McCormack
Aevan Mclaughlin
Al Abri Mohammed
Michael Morell
Rodolfo Ovideo
David Pearson
Zvi Howard Perry
Jacob Petrosky
Jai Prasad
Gurteshwar Rana
Jason Rizqallah
Thomas Robertson
Connal Robertson-More
Timothy Schaffner
Scott Schimpke
Federico Serrot
William Ried Shepard
Reuben Shin
Kendell Soward
William Stembridge
Erin Thompson
Michael Tran
Muhammad Umair
Dennis Van Dorp


Salim Abunnaja
Mathew Thomas Allemang
Sameer Alrefai
Glauco Alvarez
Brandon Andrew
Philip Carlo Angeles
Dena Arumugam
Sama Asal
Stephan Axer
Geisson Beck Hahn
Tyler Bedford
Lucas Beffa
Omar E Bellorin-Marin
Mohit Bhandari
Adrian Billeter
Adam J Blau
Alexandre Bougie
Caroline Buss
Juliano Canavarros
Hunter Cape
Lilian Cardia
Myungwon Chang
Sherard Chiu
Minyoung Cho
Adryana Cordeiro
Francisco Couto
Oscar Maximiliano Crespin
Karla Cusmanich
Patrick T. Davis
Amanda Delfino Guimarães Alfredo
Matthew L Dong
Vanessa Falk
Melissa Felinski
Daniel Moritz Felsenreich
Amador Garcia Ruiz
Luciano Poggi Garland
Omar Ghanem
Michael B. Goldberg
Yan Gu
Hamzeh Halawani
Mary Kathryn Hanisee
Lisa Renee Hilton
Hope Tiffany Jackson
Sukaina Jaffar
Deepali Jain
Ryan Kelly
Alexander Knijnkikov
Evelyn Kowalczyk
Harish Kumar
Nathan Gray LaFayette
Kathleen L Lak
Sepehr Lalezari
March Leduc
Wayne S. Lee
Ryan K Lehmann
Shauna Levy
Evzen Machytka
Sara Elizabeth Martin del Camp
Pedro Martinez-Duartez
Pamela Masella
Winni Mathur
David May
Daaron McField
Khaleel Mohammad
Ashley J Mooney
Rachel Moore
Mauricio Moreno-Aguilar
Oziel Moura Jr.
Paulo Nassif
Abby Navratil
Carolina F Nicoletti
Francesco Papadia
Young Suk Park
Martin Guadalupe Perez
Kieran Purich
Adam Purtell
Andrea Maria Zelisco Schwoerer
Matias Sepulveda
Saurabh Sharma
Jingjing Sherman
Thiago Patta
Mark Splittgerber
Marius Svanevik
James Taggart
Ellen Vogels
Maria Vranceanu
Caolan Walsh
Judy (Shin-Chern) Wang
Jaclyn Wierzbicki
Stephanie Wood
Jiashu Jimmy Xu
Wah Yang
Monica Young