State Chapters


State Chapter ByLaws

Every ASMBS State Chapter is a 501(c)(6) and has its own bylaws. The purpose of these bylaws is to establish...

State Chapter Annual Reports

The State and Regional Chapters are truly the backbone of the Society and serve as critical organizational contact points between...

State Chapter Financials and IRS Filing

All state chapters must provide up-to-date status information to the committee liaison on an annual basis. This is solely the...

State Chapter Rosters and Dues

State Chapter rosters and membership dues payments are integral components of organizational governance and financial management within each Chapter. By...
Pages Members only

Logo Use Policy – ASMBS State Chapters

Member Only Access This content is only available to ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can log...
Pages Members only

State Chapter Email List Policy

Member Only Access This content is only available to ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can log...
Pages Members only

State Chapter Websites Policy

Member Only Access This content is only available to ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can log...
Pages Members only

State Chapter Charter Agreement

Member Only Access This content is only available to ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can log...
Pages Members only

Policies Governing State or Local Chapters

Member Only Access This content is only available to ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can log...

State Chapter Meeting CME

ASMBS State Chapters are able to apply for joint CME providership with the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery....