
Resources Members only


This section contains information and resources for healthcare staff involved in the care of the adolescent bariatric surgery patient.
Resources Members only

Sample Job Descriptions

This resource provides templates for job descriptions for potential healthcare providers within a metabolic and bariatric surgery program. 

Physical Activity

Providing recommendations and resources based on a patient’s individual needs and history is critical. This section provides links to websites...

Nutrition & Supplements

Nutrition and supplementation plays a critical role in the ongoing health of a patient undergoing bariatric surgery. This section supplies...

Informed Consent

This section contains information that can assist healthcare professionals in creating patient education materials to be provided throughout the informed...

Facility Stay

This section contains an outline of items to consider in the creation of your patient documents concerning the facility stay...
Resources Members only

Psychosocial Guidelines

Member Only Access This content is only available to ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can log...
Resources Members only

Pharmacy – Clinical Guidelines

Member Only Access This content is only available to ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can log...