PsyMed Health is a multidiciplinary company of licensed psychologists, licensed counselors and registered dietitians. We are dedicated to transforming lives—one behavior at a time. Our practice specializes in preparing patients for successful surgical outcomes, maintain motivation and adherence, and assist in overcoming obstacles around weight loss, pre- and post surgically. With an integrative and compassionate approach, we have helped more than 150,000 surgical weight loss patients since 2002 find personal success in their wellness journey.
We offer HIPPA Compliant telehealth services in 38 states including presurgical assessment, counseling services, online support groups, postoperative consultation, workshops and in-office treatment in Houston and Dallas metroplex. We are an In-network provider with most major health plans including Medicare and Medicaid.
How We Help
Our multidisciplinary practice is built upon the belief that we can create measurable positive change by identifying goals, and potential obstacles, and break them down into realistic tasks appropriate for each patient’s lifestyle. Our clinicians help people with underlying issues such as depression, stress, anxiety, inattention, chronic pain, and emotional eating. Some issues are too complex to solve on your own, but with the right support, success is possible. Our clinicians help patients overcome internal barriers to external change.
Products and Services
Pre and Postsurgical Psychological Evaluations
Individual Counseling
Support Groups
Nutrition Evaluations & Counseling
Mental Health Assessment and Counseling, Nutrition, Patient Support, Virtual Coaching
Contact Information
Psy-Med, Inc
8140 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste 308
Dallas, TX 75231
Tel: 1(214)348-5557