
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Overview Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), or heartburn, causes stomach acid or intestinal secretions to damage your esophagus. Common GERD symptoms...

Respiratory Disorders

Overview People with obesity have reduced breath capacity. They are not able to breathe in as much air in and...

Heart Disease

Overview of Heart Disease Heart disease kills about 600,000 people every year in the United States. The American Heart Association...


Obesity is a major cause for high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.


Overview Obesity is a major cause of Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes occurs when blood sugar is too high for your body...

Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke

Overview Obesity puts a strain on your whole circulatory system, which carries blood through your body through your vessels (arteries...


Overview Cancer affects more than half a million lives per year in the United States alone. Obesity is believed to...

Bone/Joint Damage and Accidents

Overview Obesity contributes to bone and joint issues. These issues can increase the risk for accidents and personal injury. Bone...


Overview Obesity is no longer considered a cosmetic issue that is caused by overeating and a lack of self-control. The...