2025 Application Submission Window:
Monday, February 24, 2025 – Monday, April 7, 2025
You will receive confirmation that your grant was received within 24-48 hours; if you do not receive a message that it was received, please contact the ASMBS to verify it arrived.
Grant Structure
Complete the Application Cover Sheet (included in this packet) and submit with the grant application (as page 1). The application must be submitted as one complete PDF document via email to research@asmbs.org, or submitted through the online form below.
The sections below should be single-spaced in a common 12-point font and each item must be a separate page. No two sections can appear on the same page. For example, if the Summary is only one paragraph, begin the next section, Background, on a separate sheet.
Not more than one page outlining the planned research.
Not more than two pages including the problem, its significance, prior or concurrent studies conducted, and any
preliminary work the investigator has already completed on this subject.
A statement of no more than one-half page outlining the question to be answered or the premise to be investigated.
Not more than four pages. Include a precise description of the methods of data collection, analysis and research model to be used. Specify the planned number of patients, experiments or observations to be evaluated to prove or disprove the hypothesis with power analysis.
Please complete this work sheet. Total for the grant request may not exceed $25,000. The first installment of funding ($12,500) will be distributed upon full IRB approval. In your budget justification, describe a target milestone after which met, the remaining funds will be allocated.
Statement of Funds
Indicate in a one-paragraph statement if funds for this or related project(s) are pending or on hand through other sources. Give specifics.
List scientific references, if pertinent.
Local/Institution Review Board
IRB approval is required when studies in humans are planned. Animal care committee approval is required for animal studies. Approval in principle is sufficient at the time of the grant application, but documented IRB approval is required prior to funding.
Available Resources
Submit a list of equipment, facilities, personnel and services being provided in conjunction with the grant project, including funding sources for all investigators. Describe animal care facilities if they are to be used for the project. Letters of cooperation may be included if appropriate.
Future Funding Plans
Provide a discussion of what your short term (1-2 year) and long term (5 year) plans are for bariatric research career development especially with respect to your plans for continuation funding for this line of investigation.
Curriculum Vitae
Submit a Curriculum Vitae for the Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI and all other co-investigators in a four page, NIH biosketch format. The biosketch(s) should be placed last, after the required elements outlined in the grant structure, i.e. they should be the last item of the application.
Indirect Costs Policy
The monies ASMBS awards for research grants are intended for use as seed money only and no indirect costs may be charged against these awards. Please review the difference between direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are those expenses required for a specific grant project, including lab equipment/materials and personnel costs. Indirect costs are fixed costs (what institutions charge as overhead to administer a grant) including rent on lab facilities and other institutional charges.
Grants will only be accepted by email to research@asmbs.org as one completed PDF document.
You will receive confirmation that your grant was received within 24-48 hours; if you do not receive a message that it was received, please contact the ASMBS to verify it arrived.