Articles Members only

May 2021 OCC Advocacy Report

Prepared by Chris Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative In this report: Support for TROA Continues to Grow, Bill to provide Medicaid...

Health Economic Advisors, Inc.

Established in 2007, Health Economic Advisors (HEA) is a national healthcare-consulting firm specializing in MBSCR Staffing and data entry, offering...
Articles Members only

April 2021 OCC Advocacy Report

Prepared by Chris Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative In this report: OCC Members Grow TROA Cosponsors During March, OCAN Hosts Briefing...
Articles Members only

February 2021 OCC Advocacy Report

Prepared by Chris Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative In this report: OCAN March 1st and 5th Advocacy Days, OCAN Leaders Follow...
Resources Members only

Lessons Learned From My First 5 Years in Private Practice

Dr. Shiva Seetahal shares tips and tricks about how to set up a new bariatric program. He lists important factors...
Articles Members only

January 2021 OCC Advocacy Report

Prepared by Chris Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative In this report: OCAN Leaders Meet with Biden Transition Team, TROA Report Language...

RE-VISION: The Future of ASMBS

The ASMBS 2021 Weekend Meeting Thank you for joining us for the ASMBS 2021 Weekend Meeting – RE-VISION: The Future...
Articles Members only

November 2020 OCC Advocacy Report

Prepared by Chris Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative In this report: Pandemic Relief and TROA Kicked to Lame Duck Session, OCAN...


Baritastic is a software platform for clinics and hospitals to manage their patients, improve engagement, drive compliance, and get patients...

The FELLOW Project

Fellowship Educational Lectures & Learning Objectives Webinars Introducing a recurring ASMBS-endorsed program organized to fulfill the didactic requirements for ASMBS...