ASMBS Insurance Committee
Michael Cook, MD FACS FASMBS

Committee Mission
The mission of the Insurance Committee is to bridge gaps in insurance coverage and coding for bariatric procedures as well as to educate members.
An Interview With The Chair
What about this committee’s mission is the most important to you?
“I have often heard that the Access to Care Committee is ‘offense’, and the Insurance Committee is ‘defense’. Having gone to undergrad at TCU I tend to have a special place for underdogs, so being able to stand up and defend those who are often overlooked and cast aside means a lot to me.“
How has being part of this committee benefitted you professionally or even personally?
“The insurance committee has a lot of surgeons with decades of experience. Every time we meet I learn something new!“
What of this committee’s accomplishments are you most proud of?
“The Ideal Insurance Policy is a simple tool to help insurance companies or corporations create an obesity treatment policy using evidence based medicine. I hope it will be used to alleviate barriers so more patients are able to access these surgeries.”
Final Thoughts on the Insurance Committee?
“The ASMBS Insurance Committee helps members navigate the complex barriers created by insurance companies to limit utilization, code procedures correctly to ensure appropriate reimbursement, and help remove barriers preventing patients from accessing life changing surgical procedures.“