Anthony L. Mark, MD FASMBS

Open MD
Co-Chair (Military)

Ann DeBord Smith, MD MPH
Co-Chair (VA)

Board of Directors Liaison
Please note that this committee respectfully can only accept applications from ASMBS members who are Active Duty Military (DoD), Veterans, and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Staff.
Eric Ahnfeldt, DO FACS FASMBS, Senior Past Chair
Michael Barker, MD FASMBS (VA)
Joel Brockmeyer, MD FASMBS, Immediate Past Chair
Ghazali Chaudry, MD FACS FASMBS
Susan Clark, MD
Dan Eisenberg, MD (VA)
Byron Faler, MD FACS
Kyle Gadbois, MD
Tricia Goins, RN CBN (VA)
Jeffrey Griffin, DO
Monique Hassan, MD FACS
Marcelo Hinojosa, MD FASMBS
Torbjorg Holtestaul MD
Brittany Howard, PA-C
Joseph Lee, MD
Leah Loomis, DNP ACNP-BC CBN (VA)
Kevan Mann, MD
Christopher Porta, MD FACS
Michael Logan Rawlins, MD FACS
Zachary Taylor, DO
Gordon Wisbach, MD MBA FACS FASMBS, Senior Past Chair
Tamara Worlton, MD
Christopher Yheulon, MD
ASMBS Staff Liaison
Leslie Vinson
In alignment with the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) mission to elevate global health and quality of life by significantly reducing the impact of obesity and its related illnesses, the Military Committee is charged with supporting the uniformed services and their members through ASMBS, aiming to improve the care of bariatric patients within the military/Tricare/VA Healthcare Systems. The committee focuses on advancing the science of metabolic and bariatric surgery through a robust research consortium. Additionally, it aims to establish a collective within Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) and VA Hospitals, creating uniform pathways among centers, and promoting MBSAQIP participation.
The Military Committee serves as a collaborative forum dedicated to enhancing the care of bariatric patients within military and VA healthcare systems. Through accreditation, advocacy, collaboration, quality improvement, research, and collaboration, the committee aims to establish standardized care pathways, and foster communication among healthcare professionals across military and VA facilities, improving patient outcomes for military and VA beneficiaries.
Objectives & Goals
- Facilitate comprehensive collaboration among Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs), Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities, and ASMBS members to drive research initiatives and enhance communication and coordination, thereby ensuring standardized, high-quality care for bariatric patients within military and VA healthcare systems, improving patient outcomes, and advancing the field of metabolic and bariatric surgery.
- FPD examination MBSAQIP program exception
- Be a consortium to enhance care by sharing information.
- Aid all major MTFs and VA Programs in becoming MBSAQIP accredited.
- Quality improvement initiatives within/amongst MTFs and VA hospitals, and with other ASMBS committees.
- Improve communication between Military, VA, and ASMBS members.
2024/2025 Projects
- FDP Course MBSAQIP Program Requirement Exception for Military Committee members
- MBSAQIP Accreditation at all MTFs and VAs