Integrated Health Section Clinical Issues Committee

Lillian Craggs-Dino, DHA RDN LDN CLT
Chair & IHSEC Liaison

Laura Aylward, PhD


Leah Hurley Ahearn, MS RD LDN
Rheanna Ata Brown, PhD
Cynthia Blalock, MSN, AGPCNP-BC
Rachel Byers, PsyD
Gwendolyn Crispell, RN, MSN, CBN
Kasey Goodpaster, PhD, Immediate Past Chair
Karen Groller, PhD RN CV-BC CMSRN
Karen Grothe, PhD ABPP LP
Haylee Hannah, MS RD LD CSOWM
Carah Horn, MBA-HCA BSN RN

Kellene Isom, PhD MS RD CAGS
Larissa Mahoney, LD RDN
Lisa Matero, PhD
Larissa McGarrity, PhD Clinical Psych Assistant Professor
Jillian Reece, RD LDN
Melissa Santos, PhD
Colleen Tewksbury, PhD MPH RD CSOWM LDN
Amanda Van Prooyen, PharmD BCPS

Clinical Issues Committee MD Liaison

Wesley Vosburg, MD FACS DABOM FASMBS, Chair

ASMBS Staff Liaison

Leslie Vinson


The mission of the Integrated Health Section Clinical Issues Committee is to create evidence-based position statements with focus on clinical issues related to the integrated multidisciplinary team as well as issues related to the individual integrated health disciplines with the goal of enhancing the safety, quality and outcomes of bariatric and metabolic surgical patient care.


The ASMBS Integrated Health Section Clinical Issues Committee represents multiple disciplines of bariatric integrated health professionals with at least one member representing the following disciplines – nursing, behavioral health, nurse practitioner or physician assistant, registered dietitian, and pharmacist. The Committee members are appointed by the IHSEC President with input from the Committee Chair and Co-Chair.


Prioritize and develop projects and publications and provide evidence-based clinical and practice recommendations using a multidisciplinary approach.

  1. Identify, develop, and revise best practice recommendations, clinical guidelines, position statements and protocols for the different disciplines within the Integrated Health Section – review and reassess every two years
  2. Collaborate with surgeons’ CIC to provide an Integrated Health Section perspective in their projects
  3. Identify and provide support to the committee/member(s) developing best practices, clinical guidelines, position statements and recommendations
  4. Develop protocols for initiating and implementing projects and establish direct communication with IHSEC
  5. Publicize publications both internally and externally

2023-2024 Committee Goals

  1. Collaborations with surgeon CIC:
    1. Statement on Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery for Beneficiaries of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with a Review of the Literature
    2. Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) and its Role in the Treatment of Obesity: A Systematic Review
  2. ASMBS Integrated Health Nutritional Guidelines for the Surgical Weight Loss Patient 2016 Update: Micronutrients 2016 Update
  3. Behavioral Health Adolescent/Pediatric Psych Guidelines
  4. Multidisciplinary Considerations for Cannabis Use Before and After Bariatric Surgery
  5. Narrative Review: Contraception and Bariatric Surgery
  6. Collaborate with the surgeon Clinical Issues Committee on the new 2024 topics as selected by the ECEC
  7. Review potential and existing statements, papers, and resources – ongoing

Specific Projects that Achieve Goals and Objectives:

  1. Multidisciplinary Considerations for Cannabis Use Before and After Bariatric Surgery – final draft in progress
  2. Narrative Review: Contraception and Bariatric Surgery – draft in progress
  3. Nutrition Guidelines: Micronutrients – draft in progress
  4. Behavioral Health Adolescent/Pediatric Psych Guidelines – draft in progress
  5. Call for statements from membership sent out yearly and current publications reviewed yearly; 2024 topic suggestions reviewed by IHSCIC and CIC Chairs for ECEC review

2023-2024 Completed Projects

  1. Collaborated with the surgeon Clinical Issues Committee on the following published papers:
    1. ASMBS Position Statement on One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB) (Jan 2024)
    2. ASMBS Statement on Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery for Beneficiaries of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with a Review of the Literature (Nov 2023)

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