Bariatric Surgery Training Committee

Shaina Eckhouse

Shaina Eckhouse, MD FACS DABOM

S. Julie-Ann Lloyd

S. Julie-Ann Lloyd, MD PhD FACS DABOM

Scott Schimpke

Scott Schimpke, MD FACS

BOD Liaison

ASMBS Staff Liaison

Morgan Matlock


Kristin Bremer, MD
Vincent Cheng, MD
Francesca Dimou, MD FACS MS
Shaina Eckhouse, MD
Maher El Chaar, MD
Laura E. Fischer, MD MS FACS FASMBS
Chandra Hassan, MD
Rana Higgins, MD FACS
Daniel Jones, MD MS
S. Julie-Ann Lloyd, MD PhD
Matthew Martin, MD FASMBS
Marc Neff, MD FACS
Amrita Pandit, MD
Juyeon Park MD
Carl Pesta, DO FASMBS
Kamran Samakar, MD MA FASMB FACS
Scott Schimpke, MD
Niti Shahi, MD
Faiz Shariff, MD FACS FASMBS
Rickesha Wilson, MD


In alignment with the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery’s mission to enhance the well-being of individuals affected by obesity and associated illnesses through the progression of metabolic and bariatric surgical techniques and other medical interventions, the Bariatric Surgery Training Committee is tasked with elevating the standards of education, certification, and professional development in the field. This committee supports the ASMBS vision to elevate global health and quality of life by reducing the impact of obesity and its associated illnesses worldwide. It ensures that training and fellowship programs in metabolic and bariatric surgery maintain the highest levels of excellence and are informed by cutting-edge scientific research. Through its initiatives, the committee promotes rigorous educational standards and supports continuous professional growth, enabling healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care to patients.


The Bariatric Surgery Training Committee operates under the ASMBS to elevate the standard and accessibility of metabolic and bariatric surgery education and practice. This committee serves as the cornerstone for developing and maintaining rigorous training standards, thereby ensuring that practitioners are well-equipped to deliver superior care. Through its activities, the committee supports the ASMBS’s mission to advance the science and practice of metabolic and bariatric surgery and to improve the well-being of individuals affected by obesity worldwide. The committee’s ongoing efforts to refine educational resources and validate training efficacy position ASMBS as the definitive authority in the field, fostering excellence across all dimensions of metabolic and bariatric surgery.


  • To establish comprehensive training standards and continuously refine the standards for bariatric surgery training applicable to trainees in general surgery and advanced fellowship programs. Ensure these standards are aligned with the latest clinical guidelines and best practices in the field. Rationale: This objective sets rigorous and comprehensive training standards to ensures that trainees in general surgery and advanced fellowship programs are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to treat obesity and its associated conditions effectively. This foundation is critical for maintaining high levels of clinical excellence and patient safety.
  • Continue curriculum development and update curricula incorporating cutting-edge research, innovative surgical techniques, and comprehensive treatment approaches. Focus on incorporating new technologies and methodologies that improve surgical outcomes.
    Rationale: This objective is to ensure continuous updates to the educational curriculum to include the latest scientific discoveries and innovative surgical techniques, ensures that the training remains relevant and effective. This approach prepares surgeons to implement the most advanced and safest procedures, improving patient outcomes.
  • Support certification and accreditation processes by designing and implementing robust evaluation and certification processes that verify trainees’ competence and expertise. Ensure these processes are transparent and fair and uphold the highest educational standards.
    Rationale: This objective provides robust evaluation and certification processes to validate the competence of trainees, ensuring that only qualified professionals are certified. This maintains the integrity and credibility of the bariatric surgical field and ensures consistent delivery of high-quality care.
  • Facilitate professional growth and continuing education by organizing educational programs, workshops, and seminars that provide ongoing learning opportunities for surgeons and related healthcare professionals. Promote lifelong learning to enhance clinical practice and patient care. Rationale: This objective offers ongoing educational programs and professional development opportunities enable healthcare professionals to stay abreast of new developments in the field. This commitment to lifelong learning fosters a culture of excellence and innovation, directly impacting patient care and treatment efficacy.


  • Enhance the ASMBS Certificate of Satisfactory Training in Bariatric Surgery Fellowship validity and credibility by regularly updating and revising didactic and technical experience requirements to reflect current best practices.
    Rationale: This goal ensures that training aligns with the latest advancements in bariatric surgery, supporting the mission to elevate the quality of care for patients affected by obesity.
  • Broaden Educational Opportunities and Resources by continuing the Fellowship Educational Lectures & Learning Objectives Webinars (FELLOWs) Project, ‘The Bariatric Happy Hour’ webinar series, and producing the ‘Behind the Knife’ podcast series.
    Rationale: Expanding the variety and accessibility of educational formats meets the diverse learning needs of professionals, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
  • Conduct thorough analyses and update the guidelines for credentialing in metabolic and bariatric surgery to standardize credentialing practices as needed.
    Rationale: This objective ensures that credentialing processes reflect the most current standards, upholding the committee’s role in maintaining the integrity and high standards of the profession.
  • Advance Surgical Training through Technological Integration by implementing innovative programs like the START Program, which includes web-based lectures and hands-on skills labs.
    Rationale: By adopting new technologies and methodologies, this goal enhances the training landscape, ensuring that surgeons are well-prepared to utilize advanced techniques in their practice, which supports better patient outcomes and surgical success.

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