Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Committee

Tammy Kindel, MD PhD FACS FASMBS

Oliver Varban, MD FACS FASMBS

Board of Directors Liaison


John W. Baker, MD FASMBS
Jennifer Colvin, MD
Michael Edwards, MD, Diversity & Inclusion Committee Liaison
Maher El Chaar, MD
Christopher Esposito, DO
Charmaine Gentles, DNP APRN CRNFA
Jon Gould, MD, Immediate Past Chair
Elizabeth M. Hechenbleikner, MD, FACS, FASMBS
Daniel B. Jones, MD MS FASMBS, Senior Past Chair
Amy Laktash, MSN APRN NP-C
Shauna Levy, MD MS
Henry Lin, MD
Sharon Mann, MSN RN
Mark Mahan, DO
Sara Martin Del Campo, MD MS
Karina McArthur, MD
Sabrena F. Noria, MD PhD FRCSC
Nabeel Obeid, MD
Carl Pesta, DO FASMBS
Anthony T. Petrick, MD FASMBS, Immediate Past Chair
Kinga A. Powers, MD PhD FACS
Sarah Samreen, MD
Keri Seymour, DO
Konstantinos Spaniolas, MD
Andrea Stroud, MD MS
William A. Sweet, MD
Lawrence Tabone, MD
Scott Um, MD
Melissa Vaughn, BSN MBSC/MBSCR CBN
Eric Volckmann, MD

ASMBS Staff Liaison

Leslie Vinson


In alignment with the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) mission to elevate global health and quality of life by significantly reducing the impact of obesity and its related illnesses, the Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Committee is entrusted with promoting continuous improvement in patient safety and risk reduction. The committee integrates and coordinates patient safety initiatives among member surgeons, aiming to reduce medical errors through process analysis and quality improvement reporting.


The Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Committee is committed to improving patient safety and reducing risk for member surgeons. By studying trends in malpractice suits and risk management gaps, the committee aims to enhance patient safety initiatives, improve patient outcomes, and decrease surgeon exposure to liability.


  • Identify gaps and members’ needs in patient safety, risk management, and professional liability to develop optimal resources that equip surgeons with the necessary tools and knowledge to enhance patient safety, mitigate risks, and manage liability effectively.
  • Provide recommendations for the promotion and dissemination of patient safety and risk management information.
  • Identify and employ process measures to identify and disseminate quality improvement initiatives.


  • Promote education on risk management and liability and develop expert witness guidelines to provide clarity and guidance for surgeons involved in legal proceedings.
  • Enhance patient safety initiatives through data analysis and identification of trends and areas for improvement in patient safety.
  • Establish a platform for knowledge sharing and learning among members.
  • Help create a mechanism by which ASMBS can endorse and encourage high performing programs exhibiting patient safety and quality improvement in all aspects of bariatric care.

2024/2025 Projects

  • Closed Claims 2.0
  • MBS for the General Surgeon: Management of Post-Op Complications – Collaboration with General & Foregut Surgery Committee
  • ASMBS Intra-operative care pathway for minimally invasive Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, August 2024
  • ASMBS Post-operative care pathway for minimally invasive Roux-en-Y gastric bypass – submitted to SOARD December 2024/In Press 2/2025
  • Same Day Surgery Survey – complete November 2024

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