Christine Lovato, MD FACS

Abdelrahman Nimeri, MD FACS

BOD Liaison
Selwan Barbat, MD ABS FACS
Jerry Dang, MD PhD FRCSC
Laura Fischer, MD MS FACS
Neil Floch, MD FACS
Omar Ghanem, MD FACS (Past Chair)
Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS
Karl Hage, MD
Varun Jain, MBBS MD
Yung Lee, MD
Shravan Sarvepalli, MD
Sahar Takkouche, MD
Daniel Tomey, MD
Amy Yetasook, MD
ASMBS Staff Liaison
Anne Polo
To foster communication between health professionals on obesity and
related conditions.
The aim of the Communications Committee is to facilitate communication
between the ASMBS and its members, potential members and the public.
This includes making recommendations on new opportunities and
technologies to enhance communications; working with the ASMBS staff to
develop methods for timely identification of pertinent journal articles,
special reports, media events, and Society activities appropriate for
promotion; and maintaining active communication channels with the ASMBS
President and the Executive Council.
- Disseminate information about the Society’s educational events, grant offers, and opportunities to members
- Help provide the Society’s information to consumers
- Facilitate communication between members
- Communicate for the ASMBS Committees and SOARD Journal
Committee Goals
- Continue to develop and deploy social media content to recruit prospective ASMBS members and serve as patient education/awareness tools
- Continue creating and sharing several SOARD Visual Abstracts on a monthly basis
- Promote SOARD Journal articles through social media and video
- Create video content for both patients and surgeons to be housed on the ASMBS YouTube channel
- Involve more patients and patient advocates in committee activities
- Consistently post SOARD Visual Abstracts to Twitter and host periodic journal clubs on Facebook
- Build an ASMBS Media Network to utilize member connections with hospital marketing and propel important research findings to newspapers, radio, and TV.
- Redesign ASMBS website to feature distinct points of entry for surgeons/physicians, integrated health members, and patients/the public
- Build a seamless social media content production pipeline that covers all social media outlets with “plug and play” staff and surgeons participating
2020 Completed Projects
- Created SOARD Visual Abstracts
- Established a coordinated effort with SOARD Journal for promotion of papers
- Communicated information specifically about obesity and COVID-19
- Began work on a website redesign