State Chapter ByLaws

Every ASMBS State Chapter is a 501(c)(6) and has its own bylaws. The purpose of these bylaws is to establish a structured foundational framework that guides the Chapter’s operations in harmony with the national Society’s overarching mission and values, offering a clear and comprehensive guide for governance and operations. Adherence to these bylaws ensures alignment with the organization’s mission and promotes transparency, accountability, and effective leadership within the Chapter.

Included in the bylaws are:

  1. Official Name and Location – ensures clarity and consistency in identifying the Chapter.
  2. Mission and Objectives – outlines the Chapter’s mission statement and objectives, aligning them with the broader goals of the ASMBS, and sets the purpose and focus of the Chapter’s activities.
  3. Membership – defines eligibility criteria, rights, responsibilities, and the process for joining or leaving the Chapter, and ensures transparency and fairness in membership matters.
  4. Governance Structure – details the organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities of officers, board members, committees, and other relevant positions, and ensures effective leadership and decision-making processes within the Chapter.
  5. Meetings – outlines procedures for regular and special meetings, including notice requirements, quorum, and voting procedures, promoting open communication and democratic decision-making.
  6. Finances – establishes financial policies, including budgeting, fundraising, and fiscal reporting, ensuring transparency, accountability, and proper financial management.
  7. Amendments – defines the process for amending the bylaws in a democratic and thoughtful manner, allowing the Chapter to adapt to changing circumstances while preserving the integrity of its governance structure.
  8. Dissolution – addresses procedures for dissolving the Chapter due to unforeseen circumstances or the organization’s decision to cease operations, outlining steps for distributing remaining assets in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Sample Bylaws/Bylaw Template