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The FELLOW Project: Surgical Treatment of Weight Recurrence following Bariatric Surgery, Matthew Davis, MD and Saniea Majid, MD | Dec....
Article: Marijuana use does not affect weight loss or complication rate after bariatric surgery. Presented by Dr. Brandon Smith.
Thirty years ago, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) convened a Consensus Development Conference that pub- lished a Statement on...
Recorded October 7, 2022. Preseners: Mary-Elizabeth Patti, MD and Samer Mattar, MD
Use of ICG in Bariatric Surgery. Presented by, Monique Hassan, MD MBA FACS DABOM
Barriers to Bariatric Surgery. Presented by Rachel Simpson, MD, and Luke Funk, MD FACS
Recorded August 5, 2022. Presenters: Shanu Kothari, MD FASMBS
Recorded July 1, 2022. Presenters: Maria Altieri, MD MS and Scott Shikora, MD FACS
The ASMBS total bariatric procedure numbers are based on the best estimation from available data (BOLD,ACS/MBSAQIP, National Inpatient Sample Data...
Member Only Access This content is only available to ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can log...