About the Provider

Dr Patrick Noel, a global leader in bariatric surgery, has improved health and wellbeing outcomes and simultaneously decreased health care costs. As evidence of his internationally recognized standing, Dr Noel’s biography was published Obesity Surgery (2021,31:2357-8; Appendix). His work has become the cornerstone of bariatric surgery internationally. Dr Noel continues to pioneer breakthrough procedural techniques, such as the minimally invasive spider surgery. Dr Noel is highly active in the profession and a prolific contributor to scientific literature. Dr Noel mentors junior surgeons and frequently showcases his innovative techniques via live surgeries. Dr Patrick Noel has 143 scientific articles published and has delivered nearly 500 oral presentations. Dr Noel is actively involved in the leading international bariatric surgery organizations: French (SOFFCOM) and international surgical societies, including the ASMBS (American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery), IFSO (International Federation Society of Obesity); and Editorial Boards: SOARD (Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases) and Obesity Surgery. Dr Noel is fellows of the ASMBS, the ACS (American College of Surgeons) and the IFSO. Career Summary Trained in Minimally Invasive Surgery in the early '90s, Dr. Patrick Noel soon became one of the most in demand laparoscopic surgeons in France. In 2000, he founded the Bariatric Surgery Department in the Casamance Private Hospital which quickly became the cornerstone of Bariatric Surgery in France. With over 6,000 bariatric procedures (sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, duodenal switch, SADI, gastric banding) and more than 1,000 revisional procedures, his activity became the largest of the country for a single operator. International recognition came in 2012, when Dr Noel’s experience in the bariatric field was recognized during the Sleeve Consensus Summit in New York, where he was invited by Prof. Gagner to present the largest experience in revisional surgery from gastric banding to sleeve gastrectomy. After 19 years as a top bariatric surgeon in France, in 2015, Dr Noel moved to the Middle East to lead the Bariatric & Metabolic Department of two clinics in the UAE and in Qatar. Dr Noel’s clinics focus on a holistic approach of the treatment of obesity while continuing to take part in the development of new surgical approaches in the Bariatric field. Surgical and Health Technology Innovations Dr. Patrick Noel developed the Posterior Approach to the Sleeve Gastrectomy. This innovative procedural technique enables a faster surgery, a minimal number of incisions, and avoids the need of a liver retractor. Dr Noel has been recognized via extensive publications as one of the developers of the ReSleeve Gastrectomy. Dr Noel took part in the development of the BariClip, a new surgical technique in the bariatric field. Dr Noel launched the BariClip worldwide by being the first surgeon to introduce it in the Middle East and Europe. On August 22, 2022 during the IFSO World congress in Miami, Dr Noel organized the First International Expert Opinion on the BariClip based on early experience. This event has been endorsed by IFSO and was part of the program of the IFSO World Congress 2022. Dr Noel contributes to innovations to improve obesity outcomes beyond the surgical theatre. A member of the board of two start-ups developing endoscopic devices, Dr Noel is also participating the development of mobile health and remove device technology with New Technologies, MedTech. E D U C A T I O N E X P E R I E N C E

Surgeries Performed

•Bariatric Endoscopy Procedures •BPD w/ Duodenal Switch •Follows Other Surgeons' Patients •Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass •Laparoscopic BPD w/ Duodenal Switch •Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass •One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass •Other Gastric Bypass •Revision/Conversion of Prior Procedure •Single Anastomosis Duodeno-ileostomy •Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy 


Aubagne, FRA



