About the Provider

Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS is Assistant Dean and Professor and Benjamin Rush Endowed Chair of Surgery at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. He graduated from Cornell University and Weil Cornell Medical School. He completed residency at Washington University-Barnes Hospital where he did a fellowship at the Washington University Institute for Minimally Invasive Surgery. Since joining ASMBS in 2001, Dr. Jones has served on the following committees: Research, Preceptorship, Training, Ethics, and Program. He served on ASMBS Foundation. He was chair of Patient Safety Committee. He was appointed as the ASMBS liaison to the Fellowship Council Board, ASMBS/ACS Quality Program, State Access to Care task force, CMBS, and co-editor of the 2013 AACE/TOS/ASMBS Clinical Practice Guidelines. He served as co-chair of the CMBS Verification Committee and Chair of the the Essentials Task Force. He is trustee at large for the New England Chapter ASMBS. His research has focused on laparoscopy, obesity and skill acquisition with 15 million in NIH RO1 grants. Dr. Jones has over 250 publications including The Atlas of Metabolic and Weight Loss Surgery, and Obesity Surgery: Patient Safety and Best Practices. DrJones has been awarded the ASMBS Foundation Patient Safety and Quality Award and President's Service Award. Dr Jones is currently on the Planning Committee for the Walter Pories 2024 Festschrift.

Surgeries Performed

•Follows Other Surgeons' Patients •Gastric Banding •Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass •Intragastric Balloon •Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass •Other Gastric Restriction •Revision/Conversion of Prior Procedure •Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy 


Newark, NJ USA


