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Introduction: Private Practice Solutions Series

This video series was initiative created by Rami E. Lutfi, MD, FACS, FASMBS and the Private Practice Committee. Disclaimer: These materials...
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ASMBS Care Pathway for Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Clinical care pathways are tools that integrate evidence-based healthcare into clinical practice. Pathways are intended to improve healthcare delivery and...
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ASMBS Position Statement on the Impact of Obesity and Obesity Treatment on...

The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery issues the following position statement, Endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians...
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Physical Activity – Staff Education

To date, physical activity and exercise guidelines have not been developed specifically for patients who have had bariatric surgery. A...
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Pharmacy – Staff Education

The Pharmacy section contains information that healthcare staff involved in the care of the bariatric surgery patient should know regarding...
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This section contains information and resources for healthcare staff involved in the care of the adolescent bariatric surgery patient.
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Sample Job Descriptions

This resource provides templates for job descriptions for potential healthcare providers within a metabolic and bariatric surgery program. 

Nutrition & Supplements

Nutrition and supplementation plays a critical role in the ongoing health of a patient undergoing bariatric surgery. This section supplies...

Facility Stay

This section contains an outline of items to consider in the creation of your patient documents concerning the facility stay...
Videos Members only

The Band is Coming Out – Now What? Sleeve v. Bypass Debate

Dr. Stacy Brethauer, from the Section of Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery at Cleveland Clinic Main Campus will be presenting from...