Chapter Information
Incorporated September 2014
Mission Statement
The Iowa State Chapter of the ASMBS is a collaborative community of healthcare professionals dedicated to advancing the care of the bariatric patient and advocating for high quality treatment of people who suffer with the disease of obesity. The chapter consists of bariatric surgeons, integrated allied health professionals, and medical bariatricans focused on improving quality, access to care, and providing medically necessary treatment to those impacted by obesity. We encourage fellowship among members and sharing of best practices as a platform for continuous improvement of quality of care of the bariatric patient. We strive to engage those in our communities in order to speak with one voice for the patients in our state.
Executive Officers
President: Jessica Smith, MD MPH FACS FASMBS
Past President: Steven Cahalan, MD, Michael Phelps, MD FACS
Senior Past President: Teresa L. LaMasters, MD FACS FASMBS
Vice President/President Elect: Maria Iliakova, MD
Secretary/Treasurer: Teresa L. LaMasters, MD FACS FASMBS
Integrated Health Chair: Alissa Lilla, PA-C
Integrated Health Co-Chair: Kimberly Hibgy, RN CBN
STAR (State Access to Care Representative): Matthew Christophersen, MD
Member at Large: Kyle Ver Steeg, MD FASMBS
Board Members
Teresa L. LaMasters MD FACS FASMBS
Kyle Ver Steeg, MD FASMBS
Michael Phelps, MD FACS
Founding Members
David Aanestad, MD
Matthew Christophersen, MD
Teresa L. LaMasters, MD FACS FASMBS
Michael Phelps, MD FACS
Mark Smolik, MD
Kyle Ver Steeg, MD FASMBS
Steven Cahalan, MD
Chapter Meetings
No chapter meetings are scheduled at this time.
Chapter Updates
- Attended Iowa Obesity Coalition for Step Wise Approach to Treat Obesity
- Relevant local news: Iowa Health Weight Loss Specialists has undergone a name change to UnityPoint Clinic Weight Loss
- June 25-27, 2015, Las Vegas, NV: Dr. Phelps attended State Chapter Presidents’ Summit
- Working to continue coverage for bariatric surgery with Access to Care Liaison
- Working to eliminate six month OBS
- Dr. LaMasters attended State Chapter Presidents’ meetings and Annual Summit
- Dr. LaMasters attended Access to Care Committee meetings
- Plan to continue to engage more of the bariatric surgery community in state chapter activities
- Discussions ongoing with Iowa Medicaid to restore coverage to all Medicaid participants; recent change with Medicaid expansion led to loss of coverage for middle plan of Iowa Health and Wellness participants
- There was discussion about a local legislative day in 2013; Dr. Christophersen was working on that event however we were not able to complete it in 2013, planned for 2014; unable to complete in 2014, planned for 2015
- Dues Collection
- Membership Drive
- Chapter final status completed by Dr. LaMasters
Support Groups
Each program provides their own support group