A Message from Your President (July 1, 2024)

Dear ASMBS Members, 

Thank you for your continued membership and dedication to our shared mission. As valued members of ASMBS, your engagement and participation are vital to the success and growth of our organization.

I encourage each of you to get involved with your state chapterjoin a committee, and explore the hundreds of valuable resources and live activities we host throughout the year. Your contributions and active involvement help shape the future of ASMBS and advance our collective goals.

We have heard your feedback regarding the volume of emails from ASMBS, and in response, we are thrilled to announce a new change to support your needs better. Starting in July, we will discontinue the Top 5 on the 5th monthly communication and the numerous daily emails focused on various topics. Instead, as of Monday, July 8, all members who have opted to receive emails from ASMBS will receive a weekly email summarizing everything ASMBS offers for the upcoming week. This will include announcements from committees, opportunities for engagement, future live webinar dates, registration details, and more.

I am honored to serve as your President, and I welcome your feedback and questions. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at president@asmbs.org. Be sure to also learn more about who represents you on the Board of Directors and our dedicated ASMBS staff team.

Thank you for your commitment and participation. Together, we can continue to achieve great things.

Warm regards,

President, ASMBS 